External news and posts
Who ultimately benefits most from data-intensive research?
Eric Jensen and Mark Reed, in the second of two blog posts, explore who benefited from data-intensive research in the UK and Australia.
New recommendations from SUHF will speed up the transition to open science
A part of the mission for the Association of Swedish Higher Education Institutions, SUHF (Sveriges universitets- och högskoleförbund), is to facilitate the transition to open science in Swedish HEI...
IASSIST: Important to be able to identify big and small objects
On 7–10 June, the IASSIST 2022 conference takes place in Gothenburg, with SND as their host organization. The theme for this year’s conference is “Data by Design – Building a Sustainable Data Cultu...
Highlights from the Data Trail on new FAIR-tools
Het bericht Highlights from the Data Trail on new FAIR-tools verscheen eerst op DANS....
A tool for maximising the uptake of existing mental health measures in longitudinal studies
Georgia Andrews and Louise Arsenault share an update on the Catalogue of Mental Health Measures: who uses it, what’s new and what planned next steps are.
Brand new podcast: Stories of Data - Open.Science.Talk
What is the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC)? And what's in it for you as a researcher or citizen? Get answers in our podcast!