
Image: Rene Bohmer via Unsplash

External news and posts

Data Impact Blog
Tue 10 Nov 2020 - Data Impact Blog

Zooming in the time of Covid-19: 2020 Big Data Summer School successfully goes virtual

Louise Corti shares the challenges and opportunities from this year’s successful virtual Big Data Summer School at the University of Essex.

Fri 6 Nov 2020 - AUSSDA Blog

Three questions for … Wolfgang Aschauer

The COVID-19 pandemic offers the unique opportunity to study how people’s moral values change during times of crises. With an international research project, the Values in Crisis Survey aims to acc...

Wed 4 Nov 2020 - AUSSDA Blog

A spotlight on the research supporting infrastructure in five European countries

In autumn 2019, AUSSDA organised a survey in the context of the EU project EOSC-Pillar in order to evaluate research supporting infrastructures in five European countries. The data is now available...

Tue 3 Nov 2020 - GESIS Blog

Die Messung sozialstruktureller Merkmale im Wandel der Zeit

Sozialstrukturelle Merkmale wie Familienstand, Bildung oder Erwerbstätigkeit werden in vielen Umfragen erfasst. Sie unterliegen, ähnlich wie Einstellungen und Werte auch, dem gesellschaftlichen Wan...

CESSDA on Zenodo
Sat 31 Oct 2020 - CESSDA on Zenodo

D5: Terms of Reference for CESSDA Data Catalogue

The CESSDA Data Catalogue (CDC) allows the research community to search and browse metadata on social science research data across countries and languages. For this, CESSDA has developed a search a...

CESSDA on Zenodo
Sat 31 Oct 2020 - CESSDA on Zenodo

D1: Content report: Notes for the ELSST release of 16 June 2020

The European Language Social Science Thesaurus (ELSST) is a broad-based, multilingual thesaurus for the social sciences, managed by a cross-national team within the CESSDA Metadata Office (MDO) pro...