
Image: Rene Bohmer via Unsplash

External news and posts

CESSDA on Zenodo
Mon 20 Jan 2020 - CESSDA on Zenodo

Examining barriers for establishing a national data service

A system for monitoring the current situation of Data Archive Services (DAS) maturity in European countries was developed during the CESSDA Strengthening and Widening in (SaW 2016 and 2017) and fur...

CESSDA on Zenodo
Mon 20 Jan 2020 - CESSDA on Zenodo

CESSDA Webinar: Data Discovery

Slides from CESSDA Webinar on Data Discovery   Data discovery is a crucial stage in the research process, especially in the social sciences and humanities as many valuable studies have originat...

CESSDA on Zenodo
Mon 20 Jan 2020 - CESSDA on Zenodo

CESSDA webinar: GDPR and research one year on - Experiences across Europe

Panel discussion webinar, where data protection experts from across Europe gave their views on what changes the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) brought for research, data archiving and da...

CESSDA on Zenodo
Mon 20 Jan 2020 - CESSDA on Zenodo

Perspectives on the Implementation of the CESSDA Metadata Model

CESSDA Metadata Standards Portfolio, outcome of CESSDA Metadata Management (CMM) Project, includes core metadata model and controlled vocabularies (CV) for relevant metadata fields. The Portfolio w...

CESSDA on Zenodo
Mon 20 Jan 2020 - CESSDA on Zenodo

User Guide for the CESSDA Metadata Model

This document includes guidelines for the usage of and best practice for the CESSDA Metadata Model (https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3236171). The guidelines address all relevant aspects of the eleme...

CESSDA on Zenodo
Mon 20 Jan 2020 - CESSDA on Zenodo

DDI is not enough

The Consortium of European Social Science Data Archives CESSDA is a distributed European Infrastructure with 15 member countries (www.cessda.eu). CESSDA, wants to be a key player in social scienc...