External news and posts
A profile of Louise Corti
As she moves to an exciting new role, we learn more about Louise Corti’s 20 years at the UK Data Archive, 30 years at the University of Essex, and important roles within the UK Data Service and its...
Louise Corti reports on this year’s #LoveYourData2020 event.
Last updates of 2020
2020...what a year! At AUSSDA a lot has happened, here is a little review.
Ceci n’est pas une pipe: Disentangling measurement and reality in ex-post harmonization
The scores in our dataset are not reality itself; they are glimpses at reality through the lens of the respective measurement instrument. In research practice, that distinction sometimes takes a ba...
New Service: Self Deposit
For researchers at our partner universities, we have created a new option to publish datasets independently at the AUSSDA archive. Learn more about our Self-Deposit Service here!
What impacts means to me
Anne Alarilla is one of our #DataImpactFellows. We asked what impact means to her.