
Image: Rene Bohmer via Unsplash

External news and posts

Data Impact Blog
Wed 24 Jun 2020 - Data Impact Blog

How can we calculate levels of deprivation or poverty in the UK? (part 1)

What is the difference between poverty and deprivation? How can they be measured and understood? How can data help policymakers find ways to reduce their effect on the lives of people in the UK, es...

Fri 19 Jun 2020 - GESIS Blog

Contacts between Natives and Migrants in Germany: Perceptions of the Native Population since 1980 and an Examination of the Contact Hypotheses

For decades, migration to Germany has led to an increasing share of Germans with migration background. Since 2015, Germany has experienced a substantial increase in immigration, particularly from t...

Data Impact Blog
Wed 17 Jun 2020 - Data Impact Blog

Covid-19 has made me rethink how I publish, share and coordinate UK food data

Christian Reynolds (one of our #DataImpactFellows) reflects on new data available in his research areas of food sustainability and waste, and how the Covid-19 crisis is changing how he will work go...

Data Impact Blog
Wed 10 Jun 2020 - Data Impact Blog

Data-driven decision-making and personalised nudging

Stuart Mills continues his series on data policy theory, focusing on the opportunities and problems of nudging.

Data Impact Blog
Thu 4 Jun 2020 - Data Impact Blog

The rise of altmetrics: Shaping new ways of evaluating research

Ema Pavlovic explores developments in approaches to measuring the impact of research.

Wed 3 Jun 2020 - GESIS Blog

Neue Ansätze für das Forschungsdatenmanagement: Domain-Data-Protokolle für die empirische Bildungsforschung

Was zeichnet ein exzellentes Forschungsdatenmanagement in der empirischen Bildungsforschung aus? Eine adäquate Dokumentation, eine rechtssichere Datenerhebung und –verarbeitung, eine hohe Datenqual...