
Image: Rene Bohmer via Unsplash

External news and posts

Data Impact Blog
Thu 18 Jul 2019 - Data Impact Blog

Open data dive: Plastic use reduction

We were pleased to run a Data Dive on 6th July, together with Methods at Manchester. The challenge was: Local to global: The data in plastic, from single use carrier bags to international emissions...

Wed 17 Jul 2019 - AUSSDA Blog

How to: Cite Data

Scientific work is associated with many citations. Literature presents only one of many types of sources. But how does one cite data correctly?

Thu 11 Jul 2019 - AUSSDA Blog

EOSC-Pillar: New EU project on Open Science in Europe starts

EOSC-Pillar will help to build the European Open Science Cloud, one of the most ambitious research infrastructure initatives of our time. AUSSDA at the Vienna University Library leads a work packag...

Data Impact Blog
Tue 2 Jul 2019 - Data Impact Blog

Data in the classroom. Learning statistics using real examples.

Ana Morales-Gomez explores the ways that data from the UK Data Service collection can be used with students in the classroom.

Data Impact Blog
Wed 26 Jun 2019 - Data Impact Blog

Merit or ‘fit’? The class ceiling: social mobility and why it pays to be privileged – through the lens of the UK Labour Force Survey

Daniel Laurison, Assistant Professor of Sociology at Swarthmore College and Sam Friedman, Associate Professor, Department of Sociology, LSE assert that class analysis needs an approach which regist...

Data Impact Blog
Thu 20 Jun 2019 - Data Impact Blog

It’s not such ‘A Fair Way Off’ to process open data: Facing requirements on open access and the FAIR data principles.

Sebastian Netscher from GESIS – Leibniz-Institute for the Social Sciences explores the FAIR data principles and how they can support increasing transparency in research.