External news and posts
![Data Impact Blog](/Images/Blog-logos/341/image-thumb__341__blogicon/Data-Impact-Blog.png)
COVID-19: Social surveys are now more important than ever
Patty Doran and Vanessa Higgins highlight how the range of survey and longitudinal data in the UK Data Service collection can give context for the current inequalities being experienced due to the...
![GESIS Blog](/Images/Blog-logos/342/image-thumb__342__blogicon/GESIS.png)
Corona Virus Pandemic: Is Solidarity in the European Union just another buzz word?
Solidarity has emerged as a main reference concept in the COVID-19 crisis. Since the escalation of the COVID-19 crisis the notion of solidarity occupies a central place in the communication of nati...
![Data Impact Blog](/Images/Blog-logos/341/image-thumb__341__blogicon/Data-Impact-Blog.png)
Changing how we think about administrative data
We’ve asked our #DataImpactFellows to write a post on the theme of ‘change’. Janet Bowstead explores how administrative data can support research and how a new approach to them ma...
![Data Impact Blog](/Images/Blog-logos/341/image-thumb__341__blogicon/Data-Impact-Blog.png)
Change… a word more relevant now than ever
We’ve asked our #DataImpactFellows to write a post on the theme of ‘change’. Anne Alarilla shares an open and personal reflection of change in a time of pandemic.
![Data Impact Blog](/Images/Blog-logos/341/image-thumb__341__blogicon/Data-Impact-Blog.png)
Revised deadline and the full judging panel: update on the UK Data Service 2020 Dissertation Award
Jen Buckley introduces the judging panel for the UK Data Service 2020 Dissertation Award and updates us on a revised deadline for applying.
![Data Impact Blog](/Images/Blog-logos/341/image-thumb__341__blogicon/Data-Impact-Blog.png)
British Red Cross Covid-19 Vulnerability Index Map
Neil Dymond-Green investigates the British Red Cross’ work on producing a Covid-19 Vulnerability Index and associated mapping.