External news and posts

A conversation with Steve McEachern, Director of the UK Data Service
Steve McEachern, Director of the UK Data Service, tells us a bit about his background, how he ended up as Director and what role he sees the Service playing in the years ahead.

JOHD data paper gives more context to digitised war letters collection in DANS Data Station SSH
Het bericht JOHD data paper gives more context to digitised war letters collection in DANS Data Station SSH verscheen eerst op DANS....

Food and You 2: from food safety practices to food bank use
In a first of its kind, Beth Armstrong introduces our latest Impact Case study which looks at the Food and You 2 dataset.

#2: Datenqualität in der Sozialwissenschaft: Auf der Suche nach passenden Frameworks zur Beurteilung von Datenqualität
Im ersten Blogbeitrag dieser Reihe haben wir die wachsende Bedeutung von Datenqualität in den Sozialwissenschaften beleuchtet und ein einheitliches Framework für die Bewertung von Datenqualitätsdim...

Getting hands-on with real-world research: data hackathon and visualization events as pedagogical and knowledge exchange tools
In this post Christian Reynolds, Reader in Food Policy at the Centre for Food Policy, City University, London, introduces the upcoming H3 X Food & You 2: Data Hackathon and Visualization Event...

Data Station Archaeology receives highest classification in the EU as a trusted repository
Het bericht Data Station Archaeology receives highest classification in the EU as a trusted repository verscheen eerst op DANS....