
Image: Rene Bohmer via Unsplash

External news and posts

Data Impact Blog
Tue 18 Jun 2024 - Data Impact Blog

2024 Westminster Parliamentary constituency data released

Following the decision by Rishi Sunak PM to call a Parliamentary election in the United Kingdom on the 4th of July 2024 the Aggregate Data team in the UK Data Service have uploaded and made availab...

SND News
Tue 18 Jun 2024 - SND News

SND receives extended grant from the Swedish Research Council until 2028

SND is one of the 19 research infrastructures that the Swedish Research Council gives top priority in their decision on which infrastructures can apply for grants for continued funding. The decisio...

CESSDA on Zenodo
Tue 18 Jun 2024 - CESSDA on Zenodo

CESSDA Data Catalogue - Consumer Indexer component

This is the source code for the CDC Consumer Indexer, for metadata ingestion into Elasticsearch. The CESSDA Data Catalogue (CDC) harvests metadata from various endpoints. The different flavours o...

Mon 17 Jun 2024 - DANS News

Impressions from the CESSDA Conference

Het bericht Impressions from the CESSDA Conference verscheen eerst op DANS....

Mon 17 Jun 2024 - GESIS Blog

Ist der Weg zur Wahlkreiskandidatur für manche Personen steiniger als für andere? – Erkenntnisse aus der GLES Nominierungsstudie 2021

Wovon es abhängt, welche Personen von Parteien als Kandidat*innen aufgestellt werden, ist bisher nur wenig bekannt. Um Forschung zu dieser Frage zu ermöglichen, wurde zur Bundestagswahl 2021 erstma...

Fri 14 Jun 2024 - DANS News

Discover Europe’s musical heritage

Het bericht Discover Europe’s musical heritage verscheen eerst op DANS....