External news and posts
Publishers‘ data submission policies for journal articles. An explorative review and guidelines
The replication crisis in many disciplines beginning in the early 2000s highlighted a lack of transparency and led to calls for “open science” and data availability for replication. The text discus...
ODISSEI Portal van Prototype naar Productie
Het bericht ODISSEI Portal van Prototype naar Productie verscheen eerst op DANS....
ODISSEI Portal from Prototype to Production
Het bericht ODISSEI Portal from Prototype to Production verscheen eerst op DANS....
SND is one of 29 candidate EOSC nodes
SND’s role in the EOSC collaboration is growing. Soon, discussions will begin about which organizations will be the first in the network of EOSC Nodes with resources to be established. SND is one o...
Data Spotlight #5
As dedicated data curators, we’re excited to showcase curated data collections that will hopefully ignite your research interests. Today we present you: Thematic Data Collection on Gender &am...
EASY no longer accessible from 2 December
Het bericht EASY no longer accessible from 2 December verscheen eerst op DANS....