External news and posts
SND switches domain to snd.se
As of now, SND has changed our domain name from snd.gu.se to the simpler snd.se. We do this to clarify our role as a national infrastructure for research data. “We want there to be no doubt for our...
SND’s new director loves to enable good research
Eva Stensköld has been the director of SND since 1 February. Looking at her professional experience and interests, she is perfectly suited for the job. So, why is open science and good access to re...
Home ownership and wealth inequality in Great Britain
Ricky Kanabar and Paul Gregg, from the University of Bath, present research on home ownership and wealth inequality in Great Britain.
Im Wandel der Zeit: Eine Langzeitbetrachtung politischer Einstellungen in Deutschland (2009-2023)
Die letzten beiden Jahrzehnte waren von verschiedensten Krisen wie der Finanzkrise, der Corona-Pandemie oder dem Klimawandel geprägt. Diese einschneidenden Ereignisse und die daraus resultierenden...
Trust and transparency in science: An ongoing journey
Het bericht Trust and transparency in science: An ongoing journey verscheen eerst op DANS....
Wellbeing and what drives it
Josh Cottell and Elizabeth Simon present findings from a recent report looking into the what influences Londoner’s wellbeing, and what can help.