
Image: Rene Bohmer via Unsplash

External news and posts

CESSDA on Zenodo
Wed 27 Jul 2022 - CESSDA on Zenodo

Managing Data Access in CESSDA II: The Data Access Policy

In 2016, CESSDA published the first edition of its Data Access Policy, which aims to provide a set of principles for CESSDA Service Providers (SPs) covering common standards for the provision of da...

Tue 26 Jul 2022 - DANS News

Digital Dutch Archaeology: Future perspectives

Het bericht Digital Dutch Archaeology: Future perspectives verscheen eerst op DANS....

Data Impact Blog
Tue 26 Jul 2022 - Data Impact Blog

How have the data helped us understand and improve the UK housing and homelessness situation?

Key data in the UK Data Service collection have played an important part in modelling key housing outcomes as part of a body of research by Professors Glen Bramley and Suzanne Fitzpatrick which has...

Fri 22 Jul 2022 - DANS News

Watch now – Ingrid Dillo’s FAIR data speech at Chorus Forum in USA

Het bericht Watch now – Ingrid Dillo’s FAIR data speech at Chorus Forum in USA verscheen eerst op DANS....

Thu 21 Jul 2022 - AUSSDA Blog

Wie AUSSDA die Dataverse Community unterstützt

Wir bei AUSSDA sind stolz darauf, ein aktiver Teil der Dataverse Community zu sein. Ein kurzes Update rund um pyDataverse und neue Projekte

Thu 21 Jul 2022 - AUSSDA Blog

How AUSSDA supports the Dataverse Community

We at AUSSDA are proud of being an active part of the Dataverse Community. A short update on pyDataverse and new projects