External news and posts
Workshop on metadata (standards) for FAIR heritage research
The post Workshop on metadata (standards) for FAIR heritage research appeared first on DANS....
Workshop: Research Data Management in the Social Sciences
Are you interested in the basics of research data management in the social sciences? The University of Vienna is offering a workshop on March 30th.
Impact Themes
Over the next year we will be having a specific focus in our impact work on the themes of poverty, housing & homelessness and mental health. In this post we give a brief overview of the scope...
Die AUSSDA UserCon: Vier Vorträge zum Nachsehen
Unsere Veranstaltung zum Thema Datennachnutzung in den Sozialwissenschaften umfasste vier hochkarätige Vorträge. Hier können Sie sie nachsehen
The AUSSDA UserCon: Watch the presentations here
Our event on data reuse in the social sciences included four high-profile presentations. You can watch them here
Data Impact Fellows 2023 – Judges Announced
In this post we introduce the panel of judges who will be reviewing the applications! As well as a short bio on themselves we also asked them to comment on the importance of impact in research, and...