
Image: Rene Bohmer via Unsplash

External news and posts

SND News
Mon 31 Jan 2022 - SND News

SND participates in a European project to promote Open Science training

The pan-European project Skills4EOSC (Skills for the European Open Science Commons) has been granted EU funding. SND is one of four Swedish organisations in this large-scale collaboration that aims...

Data Impact Blog
Fri 28 Jan 2022 - Data Impact Blog

Part 5: What is next for Twitter data?

In this five-part mini series, Joe Allen on the challenges and ethical implications of using Twitter data. Today: should we use the data? And what next?

Data Impact Blog
Thu 27 Jan 2022 - Data Impact Blog

Part 4: Who is responsible for Twitter data?

As part of his five-part mini series, Joe Allen on who should hold responsibility for overseeing and ensuring the ethical use of Twitter data

Wed 26 Jan 2022 - GESIS Blog

Archivieren ist nicht billig! Erfahrungen aus einem interdisziplinären DFG-Projekt zur Erstellung und Nutzung von Webarchiven aus politikwissenschaftlicher Perspektive

Daten von Websites und Social-Media-Plattformen sind aus der politikwissenschaftlichen Forschung nicht mehr wegzudenken. Die wissenschaftliche Debatte zu ihrer Nutzung konzentriert sich dabei überw...

Data Impact Blog
Wed 26 Jan 2022 - Data Impact Blog

Part 3: Is using Twitter data ethical?

In part 3 of his five-part mini series, Joe Allen on the ethical review process in UK academia and how it could help improve procedures for the ethical use of Twitter data.

Data Impact Blog
Tue 25 Jan 2022 - Data Impact Blog

Part 2: Should industry have access to Twitter data?

In part 2 of his five-part mini series, Joe Allen examines reactions to an example of malicious “for profit” use of Twitter data.