
Image: Fabien Barral via Unsplash
Tue 31 Jan 2017

CESSDA is one of the five “ESFRI Landmarks” in the Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH) recognised in the ESFRI Roadmap 2016 and is aiming to become an ERIC (European Research Infrastructure Consortium) in 2017.

Besides the building of the various infrastructures (i.e. the core activity), dissemination of the results and getting potential users involved are important goals of all these ERICs, as without real users, a beautiful infrastructure becomes useless.

In that light, a collaboration in terms of communications with the current four ERICs in the SSH (CLARIN, DARIAH, ESS, SHARE) was established in order to create synergies and draw on each others' strengths. Two additional partners joined the initiative, CLARIAH and PARTHENOS.

The aim is to promote and improve the visibility of social science and humanities research in Europe.

Four changes have recently happened on the CESSDA website:

The homepage presents a news section specially for the other research infrastructure partners in the communications collaboration. The news items are selected on a regular basis by the communications staff of the organisations taking part in the collaboration.

The most recent tweet from the shared Twitter list as well as a link to the list itself is visible on the homepage. The list is made up of the seven organisations which are a part of the communications collaboration (DARIAH, CESSDA, CLARIAH, CLARIN, ESS, PARTHENOS and SHARE).

CESSDA currently has three blogs which it promotes: CESSDA Training Blog, Data Impact Blog and the ELSST Blog. The most recent blog posts are now visible from the homepage.

Spread the news on Twitter.