
Image: Rene Bohmer via Unsplash

External news and posts

CESSDA on Zenodo
Fri 12 Jul 2024 - CESSDA on Zenodo

CMM CESSDA Metadata Model

This is the public version of the CESSDA Metadata Model (CMM). Please send your requests to the CESSDA Metadata Office via metadata-office@cessda.eu. Guidelines for the usage of and best practice f...

CESSDA on Zenodo
Fri 12 Jul 2024 - CESSDA on Zenodo

The SSH Open Marketplace poster 2023

The Social Sciences and Humanities Open Marketplace (SSH Open Marketplace) - marketplace.sshopencloud.eu - is a discovery portal which pools and contextualises resources for Social Sciences and Hum...

Wed 10 Jul 2024 - GESIS Blog

Stability, change, and external shocks: Selected results for German public opinion on foreign and security policy

In this post, we analyze long-term trends in security-related attitudes among the German public and recent changes due to the ongoing war between Russia and Ukraine. We will use annual surveys from...

Tue 9 Jul 2024 - DANS News

Ability to specify retention period, now available in DataverseNL and DANS Data Stations

Het bericht Ability to specify retention period, now available in DataverseNL and DANS Data Stations verscheen eerst op DANS....

Tue 9 Jul 2024 - DANS News

Data story of Maastricht University: qualitative FAIR data management

Het bericht Data story of Maastricht University: qualitative FAIR data management verscheen eerst op DANS....

Data Impact Blog
Tue 9 Jul 2024 - Data Impact Blog

How is the LGBTQ+ community impacted by homelessness?

Edith England and Neil Turnball introduce the LGBTQ+ Housing and Homelessness Survey 2022-23.