Copyright Issues in Secondary Data Use: SSHOC Workshop
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There is a misconception in the research community that the use of secondary data does not entail legal considerations. Secondary data is an intellectual property of the data owner, so any use of that data may require the data owner’s permission or may be subject to certain terms and conditions. Therefore, this online workshop is specifically designed to highlight these issues and help you overcome these.
In this two-day online workshop, participants will understand what needs to be taken into account when creating, using and sharing data. It will cover the following topics:
What is secondary data?
Introduction to the copyright
Layers and duration of copyright
Copyright licenses
Copyright in an international context
Copyright exceptions
Other rights
Learning objectives
Gain a better understanding of copyright such as what is copyright, what is covered, who owns it and what is the duration?
Identify copyright exemptions and gain a better appreciation of fair dealing
Be able to differentiate between available copyright licences and assess these licences when publishing their own data
Be able to identify country-level diversity in copyright laws and gain a basic understanding of other types of rights in data
Target Audience
This workshop is intended for anyone who wants to learn about basic copyright principles and is interested in creating, sharing and using data.
Keyword tags
Zahid, Hina / Pyman, Hannah / Magder, Cristina / Haaker, Maureen
United Kingdom CESSDA SP