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Showing 1 to 10 of 19 items

FAIR SSH Data citation: practical guide: SSHOC Workshop

2021 Presentation
Data citation in Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH) can be a rather complicated task, in particular when it comes to making it machine actionable. This webinar focused on practical aspects of SSH citation, specifically on: the value/necessity of data citation; the “FAIR SSH Citation prototype”...

Workshop network of FAIR-enabling trustworthy digital repositories (TDRs)

2022 Presentation
The meeting is co-organised by FAIRsFAIR, SSHOC and EOSC-Nordic. All of these projects have offered support to repositories who are seeking certification as a TDR, and are seeking to sustain the efforts. These initial groups of support providers and receivers could provide the seed for the initia...

SSHOC D3.1: Report on SSHOC (meta)data interoperability problems

2019 Report
This report provides an inventory of data formats and metadata standards that are currently used and relevant for the research infrastructures currently managed by the SSHOC main stakeholders, recommendations of specific formats and standards for increasing interoperability, and prioritisations f...

Copyright Issues in Secondary Data Use: SSHOC Workshop

2022 Presentation
There is a misconception in the research community that the use of secondary data does not entail legal considerations. Secondary data is an intellectual property of the data owner, so any use of that data may require the data owner’s permission or may be subject to certain terms and conditions....

Dataverse End User Manual

2022 Document
This Dataverse manual aims to provide a practical, user-friendly, and concise guide intended for typical end users of Dataverse. The manual includes instructions for the essential functions of Dataverse such as creating, managing and sharing Dataverse collections and datasets; a technical setup g...

SSHOC Legacy booklet

2022 Report
This SSHOC Legacy booklet covers the main outcomes of the SSHOC project, marking a major step towards the exploitation of tools and services during the project’s funding lifecycle and from there the path towards sustainability. The first part showcases the work performed by SSHOC partners to achi...

SSHOC Considerations for the Vocabulary Platforms: SSHOC Workshop

2020 Presentation
The breadth of the Social Science and Humanities sector has led not only to the diversification of the research methods and work practices in the field but also to diversity in the way vocabularies are used to describe, discover and access research content. The SSHOC EU thematic cluster project a...

SSH Vocabulary Initiative - What Users Want: SSHOC Online Workshop

2021 Presentation
SSHOC will build the Social Sciences and Humanities part of the European Open Science Cloud. One of the SSHOC project’s core objectives is to foster the transition from the current Social Sciences and Humanities landscape to a cloud-based infrastructure that will operate according to the FAIR pri...

SSH Open Marketplace: Public Consultation for the DARIAH Community

2020 Presentation
In 90 minutes you’ll learn about the role DARIAH and its partners are playing in the creation of the SSH Open Marketplace, how this service is designed to serve Social Sciences and Humanities researchers needs, and especially the Arts and Humanities communities, and how you can contribute to this...

SSHOCingly good and sustainable tools

2022 Document
In this SSHOCingly good and sustainable tools booklet the tools, resources and plug & play communities produced by the SSHOC project, is showcased through their dedicated factsheets. The booklet start with the SSH Open Marketplace, and continue with the factsheets per category: Sharing & Discover...
Showing 1 to 10 of 19 items