
Image: Rene Bohmer via Unsplash

External news and posts

Tue 10 Jan 2023 - DANS News

New ARIADNEplus archaeological search engine

The post New ARIADNEplus archaeological search engine appeared first on DANS....

Mon 9 Jan 2023 - DANS News

NARCIS.nl will go offline from March 1st, 2023

The post NARCIS.nl will go offline from March 1st, 2023 appeared first on DANS....

Wed 4 Jan 2023 - DANS News

2023 launch with TDCC-SSH team

The post 2023 launch with TDCC-SSH team appeared first on DANS....

SND News
Tue 3 Jan 2023 - SND News

EOSC highlights SND's DAU work as a Best Practice

SND and the Swedish HEIs’ effort to create local research data support units (aka DAU) is one of the Swedish initiatives that have been highlighted as a “best practice” by the EOSC SB (European Ope...

SND News
Wed 28 Dec 2022 - SND News

New SND Steering Committee 2023–2026

As of 1 January 2023, SND has a new steering committee. Committee chair is Björn Halleröd, Professor of Sociology, who has for many years been a driving force in questions regarding research infras...

Thu 22 Dec 2022 - AUSSDA Blog

Last updates of 2022

Successfully completed projects and new activities for AUSSDA - we look back on an exciting year