
Image: Rene Bohmer via Unsplash

External news and posts

Thu 15 Dec 2022 - DANS News

Retrospect: Training on European Open Science Cloud

The post Retrospect: Training on European Open Science Cloud appeared first on DANS....

CESSDA on Zenodo
Wed 14 Dec 2022 - CESSDA on Zenodo

CESSDA Publication Policy & Procedures

This document describes CESSDA’s approach to internal dissemination, public release and curation of materials produced through CESSDA ERIC funding and other CESSDA-related information. All informat...

Data Impact Blog
Tue 6 Dec 2022 - Data Impact Blog

Race and migration in numbers

The release of census 2021 data on migration and race provides evidence on how the population is changing. Nigel de Noronha seeks to provide advice on what data is available about race and migratio...

Data Impact Blog
Thu 1 Dec 2022 - Data Impact Blog

The Experts’ Expert Podcast

Over the last year the UKDS gas started a podcast called “The Experts’ Expert”. We’ve chosen a few of our favourite episodes, and you can listen to them on this page or find all the epi...

CESSDA on Zenodo
Wed 30 Nov 2022 - CESSDA on Zenodo

GESIS Notebooks

  The use of computational methods in the Social Sciences has many roots. Classic examples include the fitting of measurement-, as well as structural models or the recognition of simulation as a...

Tue 29 Nov 2022 - DANS News

DANS founder receives royal distinction

The post DANS founder receives royal distinction appeared first on DANS....