
Image: Rene Bohmer via Unsplash

External news and posts

Thu 22 Dec 2022 - DANS News

Register for the RDNL course Essentials 4 Data Support

The post Register for the RDNL course Essentials 4 Data Support appeared first on DANS....

Data Impact Blog
Tue 20 Dec 2022 - Data Impact Blog

A year in impact

As 2022 draws to a close, our Director of Impact Neil Dymond-Green, looks back over some of their impact highlights of the year.

SND News
Tue 20 Dec 2022 - SND News

Successful investment in open teaching resources in Umeå

“This isn’t rocket science. Everyone can create a MOOC; everyone can make a film!” Anna-Karin Åsander’s enthusiasm is infectious when she talks about the Umeå University Library’s work with open te...

Sun 18 Dec 2022 - AUSSDA Blog

Herausforderungen der Datenharmonisierung: AUSSDA bei der 75. Annual WAPOR Conference

Otto Bodi-Fernandez (AUSSDA Graz) nahm an der Konferenz der World Association of Public Opinion Research in Dubai teil

Sun 18 Dec 2022 - AUSSDA Blog

Challenges of data harmonisation: AUSSDA at the 75th Annual WAPOR Conference

Otto Bodi-Fernandez (AUSSDA Graz) participated at the conference of the World Association of Public Opinion Research in Dubai

Data Impact Blog
Fri 16 Dec 2022 - Data Impact Blog

Top tips for working with sensitive text data

Dr Diego Arenas from DataKind UK shares his top tips for working with sensitive text data.